Saturday, February 7, 2009

One week to go

The leagues are filling up nicely. There are a handful of spots left in RMFN and about half available in RPD. Forward league info to your friends and enemies to fill 'em.

I've decided to abandon the baseball-style, head-to-head competition for this season. The template was taking longer than I anticipated to build and it's simply not going to be ready without a lot of work (which I don't have right now). I plan on chipping away at it over the course of the current season, and the head-to-head format will return in 2010.

This weekend, I'll start a thread on seeds for the two leagues and update them as we recruit new members. Questions are and will be welcome.

Later this week, I'll post items concerning each of the side games in the competition. Again, questions are and will be welcome.

Thanks - can't wait for next Sunday.
P.S. See Newman's car? It sure looks good; the question will be if he can 1) keep it out of the wall; and 2) avoid blowing its engine. I say 50-50 on both.

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